

2020 環境綠色科技與永續能源國際研習會
2020 Environmentally Green Technology and Sustainable Energy International Workshop

在科技部的支持下,清華大學於24 – 15日邀請927位專家學者前來清華大學,參加「環境綠色科技與永續能源」國際研習會議。在12天的會議中,與會學者除介紹個人研究領域與重要成果外,也接受24小時的課程及12小時的實務參訪,同時在菲律賓國家科學與工程學院及柬埔寨皇家學院院士的帶領下,舉辦東南亞及南亞地區永續能源前瞻會議,討論永續能源發展在政策面,社會經濟面及環境永續面的可能衝擊與對策。會議同時也邀請馬來西亞的共同主持人前來清華大學,與各學員進行瞭解與互動,同時說明位於馬來西亞WISE中心辦公室的功能與角色。經過12天的瞭解與討論,柬埔寨皇家學院院士將會與WISE研究中心合作,將聯合泰國、寮國及越南等國專家學者,共同合作討論湄公河流域污染問題與解決方案。
To reinforce the possible collaboration on Clean Water and Sustainable Energy between Taiwan and New South-bound Countries, National Tsing Hua University has invited 27 participants from 9 countries to Taiwan for attending the International Environmentally Green Technology and Sustainable Energy Workshop on February 4 – 15 under the financial support of Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST). In addition to the lectures on sustainable energy, all the participants needed to introduce his/her research activity. The foresight meeting on Sustainable Energy, led by the Academicians from National Academy of Science and Technology, Philippines and Royal Academy of Cambodia, also designed for all the participant to discuss the possible impact of sustainable energy on policy, social economy and environment. All the participants agree that development of sustainable energy is essential and important on ASEAN and South Asia, but need to consider the special circumstance of each country. Moreover, the serious pollution problem and hydraulic power utilization in Mekong River also triggered the active discussion during the meeting. Participants also agree that WISE Center can play a central role in coordinating the experts in lower Mekong River countries (Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam) to strategically propose the environmentally green technology for Mekong River pollution and resources utilization.  

本「潔淨水質與永續能源海外創新研究中心(WISE)」的願景在於整合與執行跨領域與先進關鍵技術的國際化,利用跨領域的節能省碳與潔淨回收再利用技術,更有效的執行環境永續與低碳環境科技的整合應用。 在創新研究項目部分,潔淨水環境與能源永續的技術開發範疇主要以水-能源鏈結技術的新穎化與創新研究為主,在技術開發上,將應用循環經濟的精神與理論於環境永續創新技術的執行策略上,將水-能源視為一體,在節能省碳的技術發展下,進行水質的淨化與水體的回收再用,同時讓可資源化物質可被循環再利用,以達到此海外研究中心的卓越性與永續性。因此研究主軸定位在「潔淨水質」、「低碳綠能」及「先進關鍵材料」等三大領域的合作,以達到環境永續之創新技術發展,以進行實質國際的跨領域合作及人才培育,實質達到潔淨水環境與能源永續的卓越學術研究目的。