NTHU held Clean Water and Sustainable Energy Seminar at Ruhuna University, Sri Lanka
為強化國內與新南向目標國在潔淨水質與永續能源技術的合作,清華大學在科技部的支持下,於1月17 – 22日前往斯里蘭卡拜訪可倫坡大學及盧哈娜大學,並在盧哈娜大學舉辦「潔淨水質與永續能源」工作研習會議。共有超過50位斯里蘭卡籍專家學者前來進行交流,也表達加入WISE研究中心,以進行人員互訪及共同進行水質安全研究的意願。
To reinforce the possible collaboration on Clean Water and Sustainable Energy between Taiwan and New South-bound Countries, delegates from National Tsing Hua University has visited University of Colombo and University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. The NTHU delegates also held the Clean Water and Sustainable Energy Seminar to introduce the WISE center supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan. More than 50 experts have attended this seminar and some of them show the interest in collaboration with WISE center for Water Safety research.
2020/01月 清華大學於斯里蘭卡盧哈娜大學舉辦潔淨水質與永續能源工作研習會 NTHU held Clean Water and Sustainable Energy Seminar at Ruhuna University, Sri Lanka
Publish time:2021-06-02