2021/01 WISE海外研究中心研習會議 – 永續發展之循環經濟型綠色及節能技術
Publish time:2021-06-02
WISE海外研究中心研習會議 – 永續發展之循環經濟型綠色及節能技術
WISE Center Workshop: Circular Economy-Based Green and Energy-Saving Technology for Sustainable Development
在科技部的支持下,清華大學於2021年1月25至28日舉辦「WISE海外研究中心研習會議 – 永續發展之循環經濟型綠色及節能技術」線上及實體會議。共有國內及新南向國家10國63人,參加為期4天的會議。會中除邀請清華大學教授進行課程的講授外,也邀請馬來西亞大學玻璃市分校Hui Lin Ong教授、馬來西亞工科大學(UTM) Choong Weng Wai教授及菲律賓De La Salle大學 Alvin Culaba教授,針對農業廢棄物循環再用、循環經濟環境行為及生命週期評估進行課程講授。會中也針對循環經濟在技術面、社經面及合作面的影響進行深入的討論。
To reinforce the possible collaboration on sustainable development between Taiwan and New South-bound Countries, National Tsing Hua University has held 「WISE Center Workshop: Circular Economy-Based Green and Energy-Saving Technology for Sustainable Development」during January 25 – 28, 2021 under the financial support of Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST). A total of 63 participants, including Taiwan, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, and has attended the Workshop by either face-to-face meeting or webinar. We also invited Professors Hui-Lin Ong, Choong Weng Wai, and Alvin Culaba from UniMAP, UTM, and De La Salle Universities, respectively, to give talks. The impact of circular economy on technological, socioeconomic and partnership aspects toward green and energy-saving technologies has been deeply discussed.
圖片說明:WISE海外研究中心研習會議 – 永續發展之循環經濟型綠色及節能技術開幕及活動照片集
Illustration: Photos of WISE Center Workshop: Circular Economy-Based Green and Energy-Saving Technology for Sustainable Development